Welcome. We're so excited to have you join us on this forum to pool our collective knowledge, photographs and stories of the Taylor family of Aberdeen, Jamaica. Whether you can contribute something to our understanding of their ancestors or descendants, we are eager for anything you have to share!
In this endeavor, I plan to share the research I have accumulated on this family to help you connect with your roots - and I hope you'll do the same. If you know how to contact any other family members, please send me this information, so I can invite them to this site which is available by invitation only. Genetic genealogy offers us the greatest opportunity to expand this family tree as we can match DNA segments to ancestors as far back as the 1600s. If you have already tested with ancestry, my heritage, 23 and me or family tree dna, please upload your raw data to gedmatch.com. This is a free website that allows people to compare their results with those who have tested at any of the other sites. If you have not tested, my personal recommendation is that you test with ancestry, since you can download ancestry results to upload to other sites but you cannot upload other tests to ancestry. This will afford you the opportunity to collect the most matches - maybe even the very ones we need to break through our brick walls to ancestors unknown to us at this time. Stay tuned for more. . . .
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AuthorRebecca Taylor is a professional genetic genealogist and the widow of Mark Taylor, great-grandson of Lionel and Anna. We are seeking to connect their descendants with their ancestors through the sharing of DNA results, photos, documents, even personal anecdotes of any family willing to contribute. ArchivesCategories |